
Tobacco Use

Use of Tobacco Products and Electronic Cigarettes Prohibited

The University is a smoke-free campus in accordance with the Arkansas Campus Clean Air Act of 2009 (A.C.A. 6-60-801 et seq.). The use of any tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, or other instruments that emit vapor or smoke is prohibited everywhere on campus and in any vehicle owned or leased by the University. This prohibition includes but is not limited to athletic facilities, university residence halls and individual residence hall rooms.

The advertising, sales or distribution of free samples of any tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, or other instruments that emit vapor or smoke are prohibited on University property.

Violations of this policy are subject to monetary fines as set out in state law. Violations of this policy by students are also subject to discipline through the University’s student code of conduct. Violations of this policy by staff are also subject to discipline pursuant to the Staff Handbook. Violations of this policy by faculty are also subject to discipline pursuant to the Faculty Handbook. Violations of this policy within the University’s residence halls are also subject to discipline pursuant to the Residence Life Handbook.

Resources are available to help students, faculty, and staff overcome addiction to tobacco products through the Office of Human Resources and Student Health Services.

Adopted by the Board of Trustee on September 11, 2014