Student Affairs and Student Success

University Police Department

The Henderson State Police Department is the law enforcement agency with primary jurisdiction on all university owned, controlled, or leased properties. HSU Police Officers are trained law enforcement professionals and are certified law enforcement officers by the Arkansas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Training.

Henderson State University has eight full-time and five part-time/extra-help police officers who patrol all campus properties and adjacent streets 24 hours a day to detect and prevent crimes, enforce laws and regulations, protect life and property, preserve order, detect and apprehend violators of state and local criminal and traffic laws, identify violators of University regulations, prepare police reports and related documentation, testify in court and disciplinary hearings, and assist the public.

We are located on campus at 1099 Presidents Drive (first floor of Mooney Hall). University police officers are on duty 24 hours a day and can be reached by dialing 870-230-5098 or 911 for emergencies.


The community-oriented mission for every member of the department is to consistently seek and find ways to promote and preserve a safe and secure academic environment and to deliver quality police and public safety services in a professional and sensitive manner. The University Police Department is a progressive law enforcement agency which has adopted a community-oriented policing philosophy consistent with the mission of the Department. Community policing is a department-wide philosophy based upon the concept that University police officers and the campus community can work together in creative and harmonious ways to solve problems related to crime, disorder and the fear of crime. It is a pro-active approach to maintaining the high quality of life at Henderson State University which integrates the concepts of crime prevention, problem solving, and community involvement.

Bias-free Policing

The HSU Police Department maintains and promotes respect for the individual rights and dignity of all persons and is dedicated to excellence in the delivery of all services and in all contacts with members of the community. The Police Department is committed to bias-free policing and subscribes fully to the provisions of Arkansas law that formally prohibit racial profiling by Arkansas law enforcement.

The HSU Police Department has established a policy that serves to:

  1. Reaffirm this department’s commitment to unbiased law enforcement practices
  2. Further clarify the circumstances in which officers may consider race and ethnicity when making enforcement decisions
  3. Reinforce procedures that assure the university community this department is providing service and enforcing laws in an equitable and lawful fashion

Professional Conduct and Ethics Racial Profiling Policy