Campus Safety

Emergency Procedures

Emergency Contacts and Resources

  • HSU Police Department-Emergency - 911
  • HSU Police Department-Non-Emergency - 870-230-5098
  • Off-Campus Emergencies - 911
  • Physical Plant - 870-230-5179
  • Facilities (after hours/holidays) - Call HSU Police Department-Non-Emergency
  • Student Health and Counseling Center - 870-230-5102
  • Computer and Communication Services Helpdesk (Phone/internet outage) - 870-230-5678

The safety and security of our students, faculty, staff and visitors is one of Henderson State University’s top priorities. The safety of our campus is a responsibility we all share. Each of us plays a critical role in keeping our students, faculty, and staff safe on campus. Here’s how you can do your part:

Review procedures. Keep your emergency guide accessible in your workspace.

Plan ahead. The time to think about what you would do in an emergency is now. Also, consider how you can help co-workers and students with limited mobility or other impairments in the event of an emergency.

Register for emergency alerts and other important information via text message and email at

In an emergency, follow the procedures set out on the Campus Safety page.

If you see something, say something. Reporting crimes, suspicious behavior, and safety concerns that are not emergencies to the HSU Police Department helps to keep us all safe. Do not hesitate to make a report.

Program HSU Police Department’s telephone number (870-230-5098) into your cell phone.

Always carry your Henderson employee identification card. In an emergency, you may find yourself locked out of your building as some doors may be locked to keep intruders out. Carrying your ID will help you can move about if doors are locked.

Carry your cell phone while on campus. If you have a cell phone, keep it with you while you are on campus so that you can receive RAVE alerts and can call for assistance if needed. If you do not have a cell phone and need assistance while on campus, use one of the “blue light” emergency telephones.

Learn the 911 address of your building. Providing your building’s exact address will help emergency personnel respond quickly. To find your 911 address, log into “My Henderson,” select the “Emergency Preparedness” tab, and select “911 Building Addresses.”