The offices that make up Finance and Administration focus on creating and sustaining an environment in which student success is our first priority. In other words, student success is the primary job for each of us. We seek to do this by providing services to students, faculty, staff and our surrounding community that have a positive impact on the learning environment and are carried out in an innovative, cost effective and collaborative manner. We carry out this mission through the following values:
- Efficiently use resources in pursuit of the mission and priorities of the university
- Developing processes through which resources can be allocated to institutional priorities while maintaining the short and long-term financial health of the university
- Providing cost-effective services that facilitate the work of others in a sustainable, collaborative community
- Offering leadership and guidance in decision-making with integrity
- Continuously reviewing programs and services to ensure that they effectively meet the needs of the university community
- Modeling positive behavior that demonstrates integrity, enthusiasm, ingenuity and collaboration
Henderson State University
HSU Box 7804
1100 Henderson Street
Arkadelphia, AR 71999-0001
Student Accounts - 870-230-5430
Financial Aid - 870-230-5148