Michael Lloyd, Ph.D.
Talisha Givan, Ed.D.
William Henshaw, M.F.A.
Edward Hudsepeth, Ph.D.
Jennifer Maddox, B.A.
David Sesser, MLIS
James Shuff, Ph.D.
Patrick Wempe, Ed.D.
Fred Worth, Ph.D.
Faculty Development and Research Committee
Ellis College
John Hardee, Ph.D. (chair)
Jim Duke, M.L.A.
Vincent Dunlap, Ph.D.
Tommy Finley, Ph.D.
Paul Glover, M.F.A.
Waltraud Gudrian, Ph.D.
Martin Halpern, Ph.D.
Hee-Kyung Juhn, D.M.
Barbara Landrum, Ph.D.
Travis Langley, Ph.D.
Michael Lloyd, Ph.D.
David Stoddard, M.F.A.
Allison Vetter, Ph.D.
School of Business
Margaret Hoskins, Ph.D. (chair)
C. Alan Blaylock, Ph.D.
Renea Clark, M.B.A.
Troy Hogue, M.C.A.
Lonnie Jackson, M.B.A.
Teachers College, Henderson
Rochelle Moss. Ph.D.
Patrick Wempe, Ed.D.
Penny Whelchel, M.S.
Elizabeth Wyatt, Ed.S.
With the exceptions of formatting and minor corrections, these papers have been reprinted as submitted where the authors have employed a form and style appropriate to their respective disciplines. The editor wishes to express appreciation to the proofreaders, the Faculty Research Committee who allocated funding for this publication, Tim Jones and Steve Fellers for making printing arrangements, and especially to the authors whose contributions continue to make Academic Forum a success. Copyrights are retained by the authors, and republication or reproduction requires their consent.
Introduction as it appeared in the paper edition
Linda English
Baby's Gun
Paul Glover
The Emergence of Digital Documentary Filmmaking in the United States
Jana Jones
The Art of Sincerity
Michael Lloyd
MyMathLab Effectiveness in College Algebra
Lloyd Moyo
Cauchy Confers with Weierstrass
Ashley Pitcock (Mentor: Peggy Dunn Bailey)
Conceptions of Innocence and Experience
David Sesser
The History of Huie Library