Henderson announces 2023 homecoming royalty candidates
Front row, from left: Vanessa Lofton, Madi Lee, Kayla Streepey, Ja’Tiyah Johnson, Felicity Frushour, and Lily Cox; second row: Makenna Norris, Kylie Cannon, Madison McElroy, Brandin Thomas, and Megan Whitehead; third row: Dakota Jones, Caitlyn Jones, Kaitlyn Byrd, and Khalia Sanders.
Homecoming activities at Henderson State University begin Oct. 9 when the student body votes for Henderson’s 2023 homecoming royalty. Fifteen students are nominated for the homecoming court.
Ten finalists will be announced Oct. 12 during the annual homecoming pep rally. The introduction of the full court, followed by the coronation ceremony, will take place during football pre-game festivities on Oct. 14 when the Reddies host Southern Arkansas University at 2 p.m. at Carpenter-Haygood Stadium.
Other homecoming week events include:
- Turn Up for Tip Off, Oct. 9 at 9 p.m., in the Wells Gymnasium
- Cardboard Boat Regatta, Oct. 11 at 7 p.m., in Wells Gym swimming pool
- Bonfire Pep Rally, Oct. 12 at 7 p.m., behind Caplinger Airway Science Center
- Black Alumni Chapter Banquet, Oct. 13 from 6-8 p.m., in the Garrison Center Grand Ballroom.
- Class of 1973 Golden Reddie Reunion, Oct. 14 at 10 a.m., at alumni tent at Duke Wells Center.
- Legacy Pinning Ceremony, Oct. 14 at 11 a.m., at Duke Wells Center.
- Alumni and Friends Tailgate, Oct. 14 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m., at Duke Wells Center
- NPHC Greek Step Show, Oct. 14 at 7 p.m., in Arkansas Hall.
The 2023 homecoming court includes:
Vanessa Lofton
Lofton is a senior psychology major from Smackover and is sponsored by Alpha Xi Delta. She is an active member of the Diamond Dolls and the Pre-dental Club. Lofton is the current Communications Vice President for Alpha Xi Delta and volunteers with The Call of Arkadelphia.
Dekota Jones
Jones is a junior health and human performance major from Arkadelphia and is sponsored by the HSU football team and athletic training staff. She is a resident assistant and student athletic trainer.
Ja’Tiyah Johnson
Johnson is a sophomore health and human performance major from Monticello and is sponsored by Student Government Association and Black Student Association. She is the current President of BSA, an AmeriCorps Volunteer, a member of Student Government Association, a member of Heart and Key, and a resident assistant.
Madison McElroy
McElroy is a senior nursing major from Sheridan and is sponsored by the Student Nursing Association. She is the current finance and operations vice president of Alpha Xi Delta, a current member of the Diamond Dolls and volunteers with The Call of Arkadelphia.
Kylie Cannon
Cannon is a junior nursing and social work major from Friendship and is sponsored by Phi Lambda Chi. She is the current Chapter Life vice president of Alpha Xi Delta, the secretary of the 2025 nursing class, and volunteers with The Call of Arkadelphia.
Kayla Streepey
Streepey is a senior communications and digital media production major from Hot Springs and is sponsored by Henderson Television. She is a member of Alpha Mu Gamma, Alpha Sigma Tau, Diamond Dolls, the Pom Squad, and Henderson TV.
Khalia Sanders
Sanders is a sophomore psychology major from El Dorado and is sponsored by the Pom Squad. She is also a member of Black Student Association.
Caitlyn Jones
Jones is a junior nursing major from Malvern and is sponsored by the Showband of Arkansas. She is the vice president of finance for Alpha Sigma Tau, the president of Tau Beta Sigma, and a member of the National Student Nurses Association.
Makenna Norris
Norris is a senior health and human performance major from Bismarck and is sponsored by Alpha Sigma Alpha. She is the vice president of PR and Recruitment of Alpha Sigma Alpha and currently serves as the public relations director for Heart and Key.
Madi Lee
Lee is a sophomore elementary education major from Arkadelphia and is sponsored by Sigma Tau Gamma. She is a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha and the cheer squad and active in both Baptist Collegiate Ministries and Missionary Baptist Student Fellowship.
Brandin Thomas
Thomas is a senior health and human performance major from Malvern and is sponsored by Alpha Kappa Alpha. She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha, the Black Student Association, and is a student athletic trainer.
Felicity Frushour
Frushour is a junior pre-medical health major from Texarkana, Texas, and is sponsored by the Cheer Squad. She is a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha.
Megan Whitehead
Whitehead is a senior nursing major from Genoa and is sponsored by Reddie Ambassadors. She is a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha, Baptist Collegiate Ministries, and Student Nursing Association.
Kaitlyn Byrd
Byrd is a junior vocal music education major from Malvern and is sponsored by Alpha Sigma Tau. She is the current chapter president of Alpha Sigma Tau, treasurer of Tau Beta Sigma, a member of the Showband of Arkansas, Choir, and Heart and Key.
Lily Cox
Cox is a senior integrated studies major with emphasis in cultural communications from Gurdon and is sponsored by the Department of Housing and Community Standards. She is a member of Park Hill College ministry where she is a part of the student leadership team and worship team.