Double Major When Earning a Single Bachelor Degree from Henderson
A student is not required to earn more than 120 semester credit hours with two majors. A student may earn two majors under the same degree (e.g., B.S.) provided the following requirements are met:
1.) All requirements for both majors are completed at the time of graduation.
2.) Both majors are appropriate for the degree being earned.
Earning Two Bachelor Degrees Simultaneously from Henderson
Students who desire to earn two undergraduate degrees must earn a minimum of 30 credits beyond the 120 required for the first degree (total of 150 credit hours). Furthermore, 30 credit hours must be earned in residence at Henderson State University for each degree (60 total hours in residence for two degrees).
*Note: Students earning a double major or a double degree (e.g., B.A. and B.S. simultaneously) are not required to fulfill the minor requirement. A major and minor may never be earned within the same subject area.
Earning Two Bachelor Degrees Sequentially from Henderson
Sometimes students decide to return for a second Bachelor degree. To do so an additional 30 credit hours (minimum) must be earned after the award date for the first degree. All major and minor requirements must be satisfied. A minor will not be required for the second degree so long as the first degree was awarded from Henderson.
Earning a Second Bachelor Degree When the First Degree Was Earned from Another U.S. Accredited Institution
Students with a prior Bachelor degree from a U.S. accredited school will be considered to have satisfied the state-mandated LAC core requirement (this does NOT include U.S. Government or U.S. History, Writing Across the Curriculum, Non-Western Culture, and Writing Intensive coursework within the major area). A comment will be added to the HSU transcript indicating a prior Bachelor degree has been earned (including the school name, year of award, degree type, and "Satisfies LAC Core"). The maximum allowed transfer hours will be awarded based on Henderson's transfer credit policies. The total number of transfer hours awarded from the prior Bachelor degree will be less if the student has previously been awarded transfer credits from another institution. The Henderson Bachelor degree will require a minimum of 30 credit hours in residence and completion of all Henderson graduation requirements. Students with a prior bachelor degree will not be required to complete a minor.
*Note: Transfer credit "awarded" toward the Henderson degree will be included in the cumulative number of credits earned on the HSU transcript. Other coursework from the prior Bachelor degree will be visible on the HSU transcript, but those hours will not count toward the cumulative credit hours earned.