Traditional On-Campus Course
These are face-to-face courses that meet in the physical classroom. Upon scheduling the course it is the instructor’s expectation that student use of technology will be kept at a minimum.
Enhanced On-Campus Course
These are traditional face-to-face courses that meet in the physical classroom. Instructional technology may be used to enhance the content that is delivered in the classroom. Course materials including, but not limited to, the course syllabus, reading materials, and course notes may be posted to an online course shell for students to access. Online access of such materials is left to the discretion of the instructor. Students are required to attend all scheduled classroom hours. Textbooks or e-books may be required at the discretion of the instructor.
Partially Online Courses (also known as blended or hybrid courses)
These are courses that combine face-to-face classroom instruction with online learning. The exact extent of online modality learning will be left to the instructor’s discretion, but it should be expected that the proportion of computer interaction will be more substantial than for enhanced on-campus courses. Students are expected to attend all scheduled face-to-face classroom hours and engage all online materials either at a scheduled time (synchronous) or at their own pace (asynchronous). Textbooks or e-books may be required at the discretion of the instructor.
Fully Online Course
These are courses that do not have a physical classroom component. Students may be required to complete examinations at testing centers to ensure academic integrity. All learning content is delievered online using only a university approved Learning Management System (L.M.S.). Textbooks or e-books may be required at the discretion of the instructor.