B.A. / B.S. / B.M. / B.F.A. / B.S.N. / B.I.S. / B.B.A. / B.S.E. / Certificate Programs
Institutional Requirements Applicable to All Bachelor Degrees
Must have completed with a passing grade a minimum of 120 semester credit hours with a cumulative grade point average of not less then 2.00. Credit toward the 120 hour requirement is not awarded for remedial courses.
Must have completed a minimum of 42 semester credit hours of upper division (i.e., 3000 and 4000) level coursework. Foreign language at the intermediate level may count as upper division credit if taken during the junior or senior year.
Henderson Seminar (1 Credit Hour) – Required only for students who enroll at Henderson State University as freshman. Students are required to take the course during their first semester. Students who fail the course have the option to retake it during their second semester. The course must however be completed during the freshman year.
Must have completed the required 45 hours of Liberal Arts Core (L.A.C.). A maximum of 7 semester credit hours of “D” graded work may count toward L.A.C. The mission of Liberal Arts Core is to cultivate the skills, knowledge, and intellectual curiosity that are essential in every field of study, and which support a full and productive life. The University’s Liberal Arts Core requirements introduce students to a variety of learning perspectives and methods of inquiry that combine to foster an appreciation for different ways of viewing, knowing and engaging the world. The curriculum emphasizes the acquisition of essential skills, chief among these are analytical and critical thinking, oral and written communication, and quantitative reasoning. Through the study of liberal arts and sciences, the curriculum seeks to develop each student’s understanding of self in relation to others. The Liberal Arts Core curriculum provides the foundation to acquire a mastery of a particular field of study, and enables graduates to participate as concerned, intelligent citizens of a rapidly changing, richly diverse, and increasingly interconnected world.
- Henderson Seminar - Students who fail the class have the option to retake it during their second semester. This course must be taken at the freshman level.
- Essential Skills - Students who successfully complete the essential skills component of the Liberal Arts Core will understand and appreciate the central role writing and critical thinking play in becoming an active student of the liberal arts. Throughout the Liberal Arts Core curriculum, students will develop skills for the appropriate use of various forms of technology.
- Fine Arts & Humanities - Students who successfully complete the Fine Arts and Humanities requirements will have the ability to respond or react to a given artistic creation. Students will be able to demonstrate through their writing, observations, questions and discussions, familiarity with a significant number of influential and representative works. .
- Social Sciences - The courses in social sciences will help students adjust to the physical and social environment; teach them the value of cooperation and tolerance in a free society; and encourage them to participate as concerned, intelligent citizens. Courses for this component of the Liberal Arts Core provide a research-based perspective for studying the effects of cultural and social forces on individuals, groups, and institutions.
- Natural Sciences - Upon successful completion of the requirements in natural science, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of how scientific theories are evaluated and applied. Students will be familiar with the technical language and basic theories of science that inform persona and public decision making.
- Non-Western Culture - In a rapidly changing world, understanding cultural differences is important in fostering a perspective of global concern and acceptance of a range of cultural responses.
- Writing Across the Curriculum - Cognition, the writing process, and the written product interact and mutually reinforce one another. The Writing Across the Curriculum Liberal Arts Core requirement allows students to develop an integrated understanding of their curriculum through the writing process.
- Must have completed one course in either American History or American Government.
- Must complete one 3000/4000 Writing Intensive (WI) course within the major area of study. The WI course must be passed with a “C” grade or better.
- Must have completed the institutional residency requirement for courses taken at Henderson State University. The minimum number of residency credits is 30 for a Bachelor degree. Please see the residency credit requirement policy within this catalog for further details.
- Maximum of 90 transfer credits are allowed of which a maximum of 60 may be from a community college.
- Not more than 30 semester credit hours graded below a “C” may contribute toward the overall 120 credits required for graduation. Grades below a “C” will not be permitted to count toward program requirements in a teaching field, a major, minor, nor will such grades count toward graduation for courses required for licensure or professional designations. The chair of the department involved may, however, approve an alternate course substitution rather than require a “D” course to be repeated.
- Elective Courses (Number of Credits Varies By Program): Elective courses are those required to fulfill all institutional credit requirements (e.g., 120 minimum) beyond what is required for major/minor programs and Liberal arts Core.
- No more than 30 semester credit hours of the following may count toward the overall 120 credits required to graduate.
CorrespondenceCollege Level Examination Program (CLEP)
Advanced Placement (AP)
DSSTInternational Baccalaureate
Departmental Exam Credits
Any Other Credits Earned by ExamCourses Graded for Credit Only (i.e., CR = Credit).
Completion of all additional requirements (see below) pertaining to either Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Bachelor of Music (B.M.), Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.), Bachelor of Science Education (B.S.E.), Bachelor of Science Nursing (B.S.N.), or Bachelor of Integrated Studies (B.I.S.).
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
*Further requirements applicable to all bachelor degrees are listed above.
Foreign Language (6 - 12 credit hours)
- Credit in two or more languages will not satisfy the requirement.
- Students must complete six hours at the intermediate level or above of a principle modern foreign language.
Major Field of Study (24 - 36 credit hours)
- A minimum of nine hours must be completed at the 3000/4000 level (these credits must be completed at Henderson).
- Only grades of "C" or above will count toward the major.
Minor Field of Study (12 - 18 credit hours)
- A minimum of three hours must be completed at the 3000/4000 level (these credits must be completed at Henderson).
- Only grades of "C" or above will count toward a minor.
- Students earning a B.A. must complete a minor field of study in addition to a major. Exceptions to this include double major, dual degrees, and any single major completed in conjunction with teacher licensure requirements. If foreign language is used as a minor, 15 semester hours of credit are required.
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
*Further requirements applicable to all bachelor degrees are listed above.
Mathematics (12 credit hours)
- Mathematics majors must complete university chemistry and physics.
- Computer Science majors must complete university chemistry or general physics.
- Regardless of a student's major, intermediate algebra cannot be used to meet the 12 hours.
- Biology majors have the option of selecting 12 hours of mathematics or six hours of mathematics and eight hours of physics.
- The following programs provide for the 12 hour within their major courses of study.
- Human Services
- Recreation
- Family & Consumer Sciences
- Aviation
- Psychology
Major Field of Study (30 credit hours)
- A minimum of nine hours must be completed at the 3000/4000 level (these credits must be completed at Henderson).
- Only grades of "C" or above will count toward a major.
Minor Field of Study (12 - 18 credit hours)
- A minimum of three hours must be completed at the 3000/4000 level (these credits must be completed at Henderson).
- Only grades of "C" or above will count toward a minor.
- Students earning a B.S. must complete a minor field of study in addition to the major. Exceptions to this include any double majors, dual degrees, and any single major completed in conjunction with teacher licensure requirements, recreation and Health & Human Performance. Minor fields of study for the B.S. are the same as for the B.A. and include chemistry and physics. If a foreign language is selected as a minor it should be a modern language. Note: Athletic Training no longer accepts new majors as of March 2016.
Bachelor of Music (B.M.)
*Further requirements applicable to all bachelor degrees are listed above.
- Special requirements for this degree are listed in the Department of Music section of this catalog. Students taking only the minimum required courses can complete the B.M. in performance or composition in eight semesters, but most students in the education track must include some summer study or additional semesters. Students changing to a music major after two or more semesters an another field of study should generally plan for at least seven semesters of music. Only grades of "C" or above will be allowed to count toward the major. Students pursuing a B.M. are not required to earn a minor. A minimum of nine hours at the 3000/4000 level must be completed at Henderson.
Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)
*Further requirements applicable to all bachelor degrees are listed above.
Major Field of Study (82 credit hours)
- A minimum of nine hours at the 3000/4000 level must be completed at Henderson.
- No minor field of study is required.
- Only grades of "C" or above will count toward the major.
Bachelor of Nursing (B.S.N.)
*Further requirements applicable to all bachelor degrees are listed above.
Pre-Nursing Support Courses (15 - 18 credit hours)
Nursing Major Courses (60 credit hours)
- A minimum of nine hours at the 3000/4000 level must be completed at Henderson.
- No minor field of study is required.
- Only grades of "C" or above will count toward the major.
- Specific courses for the nursing major are listed under the Department of Nursing section of this catalog
Bachelor of Integrative Studies (B.I.S.)
*Further requirements applicable to all bachelor degrees are listed above.
The B.I.S program is intended for students who want to pursue a unique field of study not currently in the regular curricular offerings. While empowered to make many curricular decisions themselves, students in the B.I.S. program are required to create a plan of study in consultation with an academic advisor. The plan of study will then be submitted to the B.I.S. director for approval. Approval must be obtained before the student registers for selected courses. Failure to do so will mean courses completed are not guaranteed to count toward graduation. The goal is to ensure the student graduates with an academically sound program of study providing the rigger and critical skills suitable for a bachelor degree. Student who enrolling the B.I.S. program starting Fall 2017 must complete both ISD 2003/3003 and ISD 4033 in order to complete the program.
The plan of study must include the following:
- A written statement explaining why at least two emphasis areas (selected by the student) will provide a synthesis of academic work that advances the student's educational goals.
- A list of all approved courses including those intended to count toward the critical thinking/technology component.
Critical Thinking/Technology Coursework (12 credit hours)
Courses must come from at least two areas of emphasis
Residency Major Requirement (15 credit hours)
Must be completed after intent to complete B.I.S. declared. Note: The institutional residency requirement of 30 credit hours still applies. A minimum of nine hours at the 3000/4000 level must be completed at Henderson.
Areas of Emphasis (30 credit hours)
- A minimum of 15 credits are required within each emphasis area.
- A maximum of 30 credits within any single area can count toward graduation.
- Possible emphasis areas included:
- Aviation
- Business
- Education A (EDE/EDU/EDM/SPE)
- Education B (HPE/HPR/ATP)
- English/Foreign Language/Philosophy
- Family & Consumer Sciences
- Fine Arts (no more than three areas)
- Mathematics & Computer Sciences
- Military Science
- Recreation
- Sociology/Psychology
- Sciences (all programs eligible)
- Social Sciences
Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)
*Further requirements applicable to all bachelor degrees are listed above.
*B.B.A. students should expect to earn 50% of their courses counting toward degree completion outside the School of Business.
Business Core (42 credit hours)
- Some courses within the core will also count toward the selected major area.
Major Field of Study (18 - 32 credit hours)
- Starting Fall 2016 B.B.A. students may double major.
- Starting Fall 2017 B.B.A. majors must apply for admission to program.
- Specific program requirements can be found under the School of Business section of this catalog.
- B.B.A. Exit Exam (assesses knowledge of core business concepts)
- Major fields of study eligible for the B.B.A. are as follows:
- Accounting
- Business Administration (Management, Management Information Systems; Entrepreneurship; Finance; Marketing)
- Only grades of "C" or above will count toward the major.
- A minimum of nine hours at the 3000/4000 level must be completed at Henderson.
- No minor field of study is required for the B.B.A.
- Student must complete at least 50hrs of "C" or better in Business (including Business Core and Major courses).
Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S.E.; Includes Education Track B.A./B.S.)
*Further requirements applicable to all bachelor degrees are listed above.
*Unlike other B.A. degrees, those B.A. programs with teacher licensure track do not require foreign language.
Teacher Licensure Requirements Beyond Liberal Arts Core
- Any teacher licensure requirement that is not included in the Liberal Arts Core must be completed.
- A student must complete ALL requirements for a teaching licensure in the State of Arkansas. Students should regularly check with program faculty to make sure requirements have not changed since the publication of this catalog.
- Henderson State University does not grant nor issue teaching licenses. Applications must be made through the Licensure Office of Arkansas Department of Education (Educator Licensure Unit). An official transcript, appropriate scores on the PRAXIS exams, and recommendation of the Teacher Licensure Officer at HSU are necessary for licensure.
Principles of Learning & Teaching Core (or equivalency as determined by Teachers College)
The core consists of three specified modules and internship. It is strongly recommended that students concurrently enroll in courses designed in each module. Modules should be taken in their designed sequence. Specific core requirements are listed under the Teacher's College section of this catalog.
Complete an Educational Level Emphasis
- B.S.E. Elementary Education K - 6 (50 credit hours)
- Includes elementary education from kindergarten through sixth grade.
- Only grades of "C" or above will count toward the major (see Teachers College section of catalog for GPA requirements).
- Specific program required courses can be found under the Teachers College section of this catalog.
- A minimum of nine hours at the 3000/4000 level must be completed at Henderson.
- B.S.E. Middle Childhood 4 - 8 (required credit hours will vary)
- Includes middle childhood education from fourth through eighth grade.
- Only grades of "C" or above will count toward the major (see Teachers College section of catalog for GPA requirements).
- Students may select two of four possible specialty areas (language Arts; Math; Science; Social Studies). Each area will include specified middle school core courses as well as courses designed to the specific area selected.
- Specific program required courses can be found under the Teachers College section of this catalog.
- A minimum of nine hours at the 3000/4000 level must be completed at Henderson.
- B.S.E. or B.A./B.S. with Teacher Licensure Secondary Education 7 - 12 or P - 12
- Teaching Field Major (30 credit hours) w/ minimum nine hours at the 3000/4000 level, which must be completed at Henderson.
- Only grades of "C" or above will count toward the major (see Teachers College section of catalog for GPA requirements).
- Certain majors may require specialized curriculum for this degree path. The major must be from one of the areas of study listed below and include the requirements for a licensure to teach as authorized by the Arkansas Department of Education.
- Art (B.S.E. available)
- English
- Family & Consumer Sciences
- Mathematics
- Music - Instrumental/vocal
- Health & Physical Education (B.S.E. available)
- Social Sciences/Social Studies (B.S.E. available)
- Business & Computer Science Education (B.S.E. available)
Certificate Programs
- Students are encouraged to complete certificate programs along the pathway to a bachelor degree.
- Only C-grades or better may count toward completion of the certificate.
- At least six credit hours toward a certificate must be completed in residence at HSU.