Alumni Profile: Annette Scogin, Class of '89

Annette Scogins

Annette Scogin (‘89), a native of Little Rock, is a national board-certified athletic administrator and an accredited interscholastic coach. Scogin is lifetime member of Henderson State’s “H” Club and played basketball while at Henderson. She the newly-elected president of the Alumni Advisory Board. Scogin currently lives in Montgomery, Alabama.

When did you graduate, and what was your major?

I graduated in 1989 with a degree in physical education and health (kinesiology) and coaching with a minor in history. I also hold a Masters in Educational Leadership K-12.

Why did you choose Henderson?

There are so many reasons. First and foremost, it is one of the best places in the nation to obtain an education degree. Secondly, I was offered a basketball scholarship by the late Coach Jane Sevier. I was fortunate to be invited to a number of colleges to meet the basketball coaches and see university campuses, but nothing surpassed Henderson’s beautiful campus, reputation that the Teachers College had for preparing the best teachers; Coach Sevier was honest in my opportunity to play in that it would be up to me; and last, the size. I knew that I would be able to meet everyone, have a family atmosphere, the opportunity to be a part of all clubs, events, and campus life. The last hidden jewel, DeGray Lake, is just a few minutes down the road and the opportunity to ski, play on the beach, camp and fish with my friends and classmates.

Who were your favorite professors?

All my professors were excellent. To name a few: Coach Sevier, Coach Wallace, Dr. White, Dr. O’Quinn, Dr. Futrell and Mrs. Andrews. (The education department allowed me to take coaching theory of football.) They installed discipline in our studies, had remarkably high expectations and pressed us to think outside the box and value servant leadership. They all would come to our sporting events and the dorm to be sure we were doing okay. Over the breaks when the athletes were not able to go home for Thanksgiving, Christmas and spring break, Mrs. Andrews would bring us wonderful pies and have us over to her house for a home cooked meal and to play board games.

What is your current occupation?

I am a health and wellness financial coach. I help others increase their income with cost reduction, recovery and energy efficiency services. I am also an IBO for a health and wellness company. I also speak and teach athletic administration classes and conferences. I am an education consultant in Title IX, operations, problem-solving and strategic planning with boards and/or administrations. I am semi-retired from a 20-plus-year career as an educational administrator. I was fortunate to spend most of my career as a district athletic administrator. I am just not sure I can ever stop the desire to help other education professionals be the best they can be to prepare the staff and kids they teach and work with. I currently volunteer as an assistant high school girl’s basketball coach at Montgomery Catholic in Alabama.

How did Henderson prepare you for your career?

When I graduated, I was confident, disciplined and prepared to put students first, along with ensuring they received the cutting edge and proven methods of teaching and learning. Thanks to HSU educators, we trained to be committed to providing the schools district, community, fellow educators and students with the best education they deserved. I learned a lot about the importance of relationship building and the value of treating others with respect and involving all stakeholders in the decision-making process with the ability to make hard decisions and skill set to handle challenging events professionally and personally.

What is your favorite memory of Henderson?

The family atmosphere we all shared was really special and how wonderful the coaches and professors were. There are so many memories to even talk about. Every day was great, from running down the hill to practice, to going to DeGray Lake to play on the beach with everyone, attending the baseball games and sitting on the hill. Football season was always a lot of fun, as were the Phi Lamb/Sig Ep get-togethers, homecoming (the tornado while we were on the field being presented as the court, then rushing to the dorm basement was pretty dramatic), back and forth with OBU, intramurals, dances at the skating rink, hanging out on the bridge, watching the fraternities and ROTC practice their march on the tennis courts, the friendships we developed with our teammates and others. Late night card games, studying and going to the dining hall to see everyone was fun. The bonfires and all that went on during homecoming week are very memorable too.

When was the last time you were on Henderson’s campus?

I drive through there every time I can. I always plan an extra 30-45 minutes to get off the interstate to go through the campus. We had an alumni board meeting right before COVID started. I believe this was the last time I was actually there. As soon as things open up, I will be there as often as I can. I am grateful for social media to keep up with all the events, campus improvements and broadcast of games, along with staying in touch with classmates and seeing all the generations of graduates’ positive impact they are making on the world.

What other job do you think you would be good at?

I always wanted to be in city, state and national government. I think it would be a great opportunity to influence decisions that help schools and communities have what they need.

How do you relax after a hard day?

I like to attend or watch sporting events, go to concerts, plant flowers, work in the yard and do most anything outside. It is important to me to stay healthy mentally and physically. It is intrinsically satisfying for my soul to keep in touch often with close friendships and working out. I love to listen to music, podcasts and other social media engagements. It all depends on what type of hard day I had and what opportunities are out there.

Who do you admire the most, and why?

My parents, as they did everything right in raising two kids from loving us and strong discipline to encouraging us that we can be anything we want to be, and know that it comes with high rewards to reach your goals and dreams. But, mostly, it comes with the help of others, hard work and treating others right. I also admire anyone in the military/veterans, educators and anyone in the police, fire and health fields. I know these people do not get the income they deserve, especially for the impact they make on this world, and they put others first and foremost even over their own safety and families.

What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?

Volunteer, and do things outside of your comfort zone. Travel to areas that have different arts, culture, diversity and allow yourself to slow down to self-reflect. Embrace others by celebrating differences and the positive outcomes it will have on you and all you encounter.

What is the hardest lesson you learned?

That life is short. We often lose loved ones way too early, so make the most of every day with family, friends and all those you love. The other is having the courage and confidence in pulling up the seat to that table that is going to come with controversy and making others uncomfortable, but it will be the best thing you ever did next to having in-depth crucial conversations. It was key for me to learn to be quiet and listen to others to hear what they have expressed. It is okay to agree to disagree, and it is great to have people around you that challenge you, think differently and want to grow.

What are three interesting facts about you?
1. I was the first female president of the Arkansas High School Athletic Administrators Association and the fifth female president of the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association and 45th overall.

2. I would love to have been a professional surf boarder.

3. I am in a hall of fame.

If your life were a book, what would its title be?

“Life in a fishbowl” or “101 of ways to be an out of the box leader.”

If you could make one rule that everyone had to follow, what would it be?

Show each other respect by treating everyone with love, fairness and putting them before yourself by lifting them up while you cheer them on in the background. Celebrating diversity and inclusion is what makes this world so amazingly great.